Touchstone Business Strategies
Valuations - Growth & Turnaround Consulting - Brokerage
About the FirmBusiness Valuations
Strategic Consulting
Turnaround Consulting
Interim CFO Services
Business Brokerage
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Helping You Realize the Value of Your Business



We specialize in helping you realize the value of your business. We do that by helping you understand the worth of your business through our valuation service, by helping you renew or grow your business through our turnaround and growth consulting practice and we help you realize the full value of your business by selling it using our successful exit planning and business brokerage process.


We utilize over 30 years of senior management experience to bring a focused and personalized approach to each client engagement. We initially work with you to understand and clarify the particular mission of each engagement. We then work side by side with you to maintain direction and focus in order to achieve the successful completion of our mandate and to insure that your needs and strategic goals have been met. Our various service offerings can serve you independently or in combination with one another. Some of our clients simply need a business valuation. Others want a valuation, assistance in exit planning and an intermediary to handle the sale of their business. And some realize that they need to turnaround or improve the value of their business before they can realize its full value. We are ready and able to help you with all of these important business issues. And if you need more help, we can provide interim CFO services to work hand in hand with your staff to ensure that your business requirements are met in an efficient and timely manner.


We understand that your business can be the single most important asset you own. We know that you have invested a lot of your time, money, effort and emotional capital into building it. So we take the responsibility of working with you and your business very seriously. That is why we limit our focus to working with a small number of clients at any one time. That way every business owner can be assured that they are receiving our full effort and attention. We are committed to working hard on your behalf, to protecting the confidentiality of your business affairs, to responding quickly and intently to your needs and to helping you achieve your immediate and long-term business goals.

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Collins English Dictionary

"a criterion or standard by which judgment is made"



American Heritage Dictionary

"An excellent quality or example that is used to test the excellence or genuineness of others"


"We chose the name "Touchstone Business Strategies" because it clearly defines our mission to help you understand, improve and realize the value of your business."

Charles E. Newdorf
Business Strategies